People seeking Baptism for their children must contact Sr. Almah by email
Baptism can be for:
1. Infants
Parents and Sponsors need to participate in a Pre-baptismal talk, that can be scheduled at your availability, please contact Sr. Almah.
2. Children ages 5-6
Parents and Sponsors need to participate in a Pre baptismal talk, that can be scheduled at your availability, please contact Sr. Almah. Children will need to participate in a pre-baptismal talks.
3. Children and youth 7-17
To receive the sacrament of baptism children and youth will need to register in the RCIC program, please contact Sr. Almah.
4. Adults (18+)
To receive the sacrament of baptism adults will need to register in the Adult RCIA program, please contact Sr. Almah.
At St. John the Baptist Saturday 3:00-4:00 p.m.
At Sacred Heart Friday 5:00-6:30 p.m. & Sunday 8-9 A.M.
Any time please contact Fr. Gaston 705 750 8956.
People seeking first reconciliation and first communion for their children or adults in need of this sacrament must contact Sr. Inmaculada by email
The Sacrament of First Communion for children in grade 2 and older are coordinated with St. John the Baptist Parish and Peterborough Catholic District School System. In our Parish, we also conduct a Religious Education Catechetical Program from for students who are not enrolled in the Peterborough Catholic District School System.
Adults and youth who would like to receive this sacrament will need to receive formation, please contact Sr. Almah.
People seeking confirmation for their children or adults in need of this sacrament must contact Sr. Inmaculada by email
The Sacrament of Confirmation for students in grade 8 are coordinated with St. John the Baptist Parish and Peterborough Catholic District School System. In our Parish, we also conduct a Religious Education Catechetical Program from for students who are not enrolled in the Peterborough Catholic District School System.
Adults and youth who would like to receive this sacrament will need to receive formation, please contact Sr. Almah.
Couples wishing to celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage are required to contact the priest at least one year prior to arranging the wedding.
A wedding reception should not be set before the date is confirmed with the Pastor.
A marriage Preparation Course is mandatory
Those wish to arrange for the Sacrament of the Sick (for themselves or for a relative) please contact parish office 705 745 7631 or pastor Fr. Gaston 705 750 8956 at any time.
“Let us keep the flame alive through prayer and the sacraments: let us make sure we do not forget God.”
Pope Francis